nasa mars

A new NASA Mars mission called Phoenix is set for launch this summer , and one of the scientists involved said he is eager to test the new theory about life on Mars .
NASA 's Mars helicopter is preparing to make its first powered flight on another planet .
The latest findings were based on satellite images taken by Nasa 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .
He says NASA 's Mars Exploration Program keeps bringing scientists closer to learning if Mars could support some form of life .
2003-The Spirit Rover is launched , beginning NASA 's Mars Exploration Rover mission .
NASA 's Mars Global Surveyor , currently in orbit about the Red Planet , is finally providing some final answers .
Ojha was studying images returned to Earth from the HiRISE camera , aboard NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .
Space-themed baby names - perhaps inspired by the publicity around NASA 's Mars Curiosity Rover - also rose in popularity .
Using imagery taken by NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2007 , the searchers spotted an object that could be Mars 3 .
That avoids mistakes like the one in 1999 when a mix-up between metric and imperial units pushed NASA 's Mars Climate Orbiter slightly off course .
The agency said there was " clear evidence " of the lost lander in satellite images taken by the U.S. space agency NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter .
Images from a camera aboard NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show alternating layers of dark-and light-toned rock in a giant rift valley .
NASA 's Mars rover Perseverance has been launched atop an Atlas 5 rocket from Florida on a mission to traces of potential past life on Earth 's planetary neighbor .
His team used the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars ( CRISM ) and other instruments on board NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to look at colors in reflected sunlight .
NASA 's Mars Phoenix Lander began sending photos of the planet 's surface on the first day of its three-month mission " to taste and sniff the northern polar site 's soil and ice ," the space agency said .
NASA 's Mars detector , Opportunity , succeeded in finding signs that water once existed on the planet . To learn more , NASA and the European Space Agency are planning a number of visits to comets over the next decade .
And NASA 's newest Mars spacecraft reaches the end of a very long journey .
Two years later NASA lost the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander .
We 've been learning about Ingenuity , a special machine that scientists at NASA put on Mars .
Laboratory tests aboard NASA 's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample .
NASA 's next Mars rover , scheduled to launch in 2020 , will be no cleaner .
NASA 's stuck Mars rover , Spirit , may be trapped in Red Planet sand , but up until March of this year it was still making important discoveries for the American space agency .
NASA needed a good Mars look like , they found it at the Mars Hill .
But when NASA opted for a Mars lander instead , the plans for a space boat were scuttled .
Of the spacecraft NASA has sent to Mars , only the two Viking landers in 1976 were baked to temperatures hot enough to kill Earth microbes .
Born in Chengdu , Southwest China 's Sichuan province , 30-year-old Dong is currently a member of NASA 's MAVEN ( Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution ) team .